KR 2010: Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Toronto, Canada, May 9-13, 2010

Collocated with AAMAS-10, NMR-10, ICAPS-10, FOIS-10 (all in Toronto) and DL 2010 (in Waterloo, Canada)

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) is a vibrant and exciting field of human endeavour. KR&R techniques are key drivers of innovation in computer science, and they have led to significant advances in practical applications in a wide range of areas from Artificial Intelligence to Software Engineering.

Explicit representations of knowledge manipulated by reasoning engines are an integral and crucial component of intelligent systems. Semantic web technologies, the design of software agents and bio-Informatics technologies, in particular, provide significant challenges for KR&R.

We intend KR2010 to be a forum for the exchange of new ideas, issues, and results among the community of researchers in the principles and practices of KR&R systems. We encourage papers presenting substantial new results in the principles of KR&R systems that clearly contribute to the formal foundations or show the applicability of the results to implemented or implementable systems. We also encourage "reports from the field" of applications, experiments, developments, and tests. Such papers should be explicitly identified as reports from the field by the authors, to ensure appropriate reviewing, and must include a section on evaluation.

For the first time, KR will be collocated with AAMAS, and a joint technical session is planned. We thus encourage papers that are relevant to both KR&R and Multi Agent Systems.

As in KR 2008, we will run a Doctoral Consortium to introduce students to senior researchers with similar research interests. Participating students will be able to apply for grants to partly cover their travel expenses. For more information, visit Doctoral Consortium Web page.

Topics of interest include:
  • Exception tolerant and inconsistency-tolerant reasoning, Paraconsistent logics
  • Nonmonotonic logics, Default logics, Conditional logics, Argumentation
  • Temporal reasoning and Spatial reasoning
  • Causal reasoning, Abduction, Model-based diagnosis
  • Reasoning about actions and change, Action languages, Situation calculus, Dynamic logic
  • Reasoning, planning, or decision making under uncertainty
  • Representations of vagueness, Many-valued and fuzzy logics
  • Graphical representations for belief and preference
  • Reasoning about belief and knowledge, Epistemic and Doxastic logics, Multi-agent logics of belief and knowledge
  • Logic programming, Constraint logic programming, Answer set programming
  • Computational aspects of knowledge representation
  • Concept formation, Similarity-based reasoning
  • Belief revision and update, Belief merging, Information fusion
  • Description logics, Ontologies
  • Qualitative reasoning, Reasoning about physical systems
  • Decision theory, Preference modeling and representation, Reasoning about preference
  • KR and Autonomous agents: Intelligent agents, Cognitive robotics
  • KR and Multi-agent systems: Negotiation, Group decision making, Cooperation, Interaction, KR and game theory
  • Natural language processing, Summarization, Categorization
  • KR and Machine learning, Inductive logic programming, Knowledge discovery and acquisition
  • WWW querying languages, Information retrieval and web mining, Website selection and configuration
  • Philosophical foundations and psychological evidence
  • Multi-sorted and Order-sorted representations and reasoning
  • KR and Semantic Web

KR 2010 Important Dates

    * Submission of title and abstract: November 20, 2009
    * Paper (max 7 pages) submission deadline: November 30, 2009

All papers have to be submitted before 0 am HAST (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time) of December 1, that is before the latest midnight of November 30. If you would like to find what is the current time in Hawaii, please check this official U.S. time clock. To see the animated clock, be sure that java is enabled on your browser. If you like, you can also visit this unofficial commercial Website (maintained by a private company in Norway) that provides the current time and date.

    * Notification of acceptance: January 17, 2010
    * Camera-ready papers (max 11 pages) due: February 22, 2010
    * KR 2010 Conference: May 9-13, 2010

Conference Chairs

General Chair: Miroslaw Truszczynski
PC Chairs: Fangzhen Lin and Uli Sattler
Local Chair: Mikhail Soutchanski
Doctoral Consortium Chair: Yan Zhang
Publicitiy Chair: Joost Vennekens


Papers must be submitted in   AAAI style   and in PDF only (the conference proceedings will be published by the AAAI Press). Submissions are not anonymous. The maximum length of a submission is 7 pages including references, figures, and appendixes if any. Submissions of more than 7 pages will not  be reviewed! A paper must be submitted on EASYCHAIR via the following URL:  
A paper must be first registered with a title, abstract, and author information by November 20, 2009, and the PDF file of the paper must be uploaded by November 30, 2009. The final paper acceptance notifications will be sent out by January 17. There is no author rebuttal to reviews. However, if a reviewer considers that a clarification about the paper is needed, a request for clarifications will be sent to the corresponding author by email, and the authors will have at least 72 hours to respond to such requests. Accepted papers will be allowed 11 pages in the conference proceedings.


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